Sunday, January 16, 2011

Proofread. Seriously.

Possessives are not difficult. Educators should certainly understand them. So seeing this sign at my daughter's high school? Well, yeah. It pisses me off.


  1. I am irritated by grammar (and sometimes spelling) mistakes in emails from my kids' teachers nearly every week. And just last night I registered a new/old blog name... one I used to have but deleted a while ago. I have no idea what I'm going to do with it.

  2. Oooh! New blog! Fun stuff -- keep us posted when you decide what you're doing. Or not. Some blogs are just for the writer ...

  3. The signs that bother me are the ones that say "No left turn except for busses," which leads me to wonder how much kissing is going on in the left-turn lane!

  4. Here's one for ya -- recently I realized that my public school district's new mission statement is grammatically incorrect.

    And I saw this article from an MU J-School professor just this morning (on, and thought that you might like it --
